Paysera offers a secure API that lets you collect money and then distribute it using a transition account. This allows making one payment from various payers, also split one received payment to various number of receivers.

Allowance creation diagram


Transfer via transition account diagram



1. Create an allowance for background payment

Create an allowance using the library

Allowance is a permission to make payments without asking the user permission for each payment. It allows to make small payments from wallet very quickly and smoothly, after s/he has confirmed client-initiated allowance or created one by himself/herself.

1. Create a folder.

Create a folder, name it paysera-wallet. Here, all the files related to payment creation will be stored.

2. Download the library.

Download GitHub files to the paysera-wallet folder.

3. Create a file that will create an allowance.

Create file allowance.php in the paysera-wallet folder. First of all you must include library and register GatewayClient_Autoloader as an SPL autoloader:

  1. <?php
  3. if (!class_exists('Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader')) {
  4. require_once 'lib-wallet-php-client-master/src/Paysera/WalletApi/Autoloader.php';
  5. }
  7. Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader::register();

Write in your authentication data values, which you have received as Wallet credentials:

  1. // $clientId - mac
  2. $clientId = 'wkVd93h2uS';
  3. // $secret - mac_key
  4. $secret = 'IrdTc8uQodU7PRpLzzLTW6wqZAO6tAMU';

Create main object to use for all functionality. Using our library you may create object either for production, either for testing – Sandbox:

  1. $api = new Paysera_WalletApi($clientId, $secret);
  1. $api = new Paysera_WalletApi($clientId, $secret, Paysera_WalletApi_Util_Router::createForSandbox());
Info Only one of two methods to asign $api must be used: sandbox or production

Start new session as we will store transactionKey in $_SESSION['transactionKey']:

  1. session_start();

To facilitate the catching of potential exceptions code must be surrounded in try block:

  1. try {
  2. // Allowance creation steps
  3. } catch (Exception $e) {
  4. echo '<pre>', $e, '</pre>';
  5. }

Inside try block there will be logic which creates and confirms allowance. First step is to create an allowance object, then create a transaction with a created allowance object, then authorise transaction and the last step - client (developed system) must confirm that transaction. Transaction might be confirmed automatically, after redirect to client (developed system) site or after callback. See Transaction resource for more information.

To create allowance object we need to create price which is used in allowance object:

  1. $price = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  2. ->setAmountInCents(500)
  3. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  4. ;

Create an allowance object. In this example we create allowance with max price and make it valid for a week. More info about all parameters: Allowance resource. In order to create allowance object and add parameters to it we use Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Payment:

  1. $allowance = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Allowance::create()
  2. ->setDescription('Allowance of 5.00 EURO for 7 days')
  3. ->setMaxPrice($price)
  4. ->setValidFor(604800)
  5. ;

Transaction object is created and values are updated using Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Transaction. In this example we are adding only allowance with a redirect link which will be used after user confirms transaction:

  1. $transaction = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Transaction::create()
  2. ->addPayment($payment)
  3. ->setRedirectUri('')
  4. ;

After we get transaction object we are creating the transaction:

  1. $transactionCreated = $api->walletClient()->createTransaction($transaction);

User is redirected to the transaction confirmation page with a code:

  1. header('Location:' . $api->router()->getTransactionConfirmationUri($transactionCreated->getKey()));

After user accepts transaction client (developed system) must confirm it:

  1. $transaction = $api->walletClient()->getTransaction($_SESSION['transactionKey'])
  3. $api->walletClient()->confirmTransaction($transaction->getKey());

The whole code in the file allowance.php:

  1. <?php
  3. if (!class_exists('Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader')) {
  4. require_once 'lib-wallet-php-client-master/src/Paysera/WalletApi/Autoloader.php';
  5. }
  7. Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader::register();
  9. // $clientId - mac
  10. $clientId = 'wkVd93h2uS';
  11. // $secret - mac_key
  12. $secret = 'IrdTc8uQodU7PRpLzzLTW6wqZAO6tAMU';
  14. $api = new Paysera_WalletApi($clientId, $secret, Paysera_WalletApi_Util_Router::createForSandbox());
  16. session_start();
  18. try {
  19. if (!isset($_SESSION['transactionKey'])) {
  20. $price = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  21. ->setAmountInCents(500)
  22. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  23. ;
  25. $allowance = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Allowance::create()
  26. ->setDescription('Allowance of 5.00 EURO for 7 days')
  27. ->setMaxPrice($price)
  28. ->setValidFor(604800)
  29. ;
  31. $transaction = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Transaction::create()
  32. ->setAllowance($allowance)
  33. ->setRedirectUri('')
  34. ;
  36. $transactionCreated = $api->walletClient()->createTransaction($transaction);
  38. $_SESSION['transactionKey'] = $transactionCreated->getKey();
  40. header('Location:' . $api->router()->getTransactionConfirmationUri($transactionCreated->getKey()));
  41. }
  43. if (isset($_SESSION['transactionKey'])){
  44. $transaction = $api->walletClient()->getTransaction($_SESSION['transactionKey']);
  46. // ToDo: some action with $transaction
  48. if ($transaction->getStatus() === 'reserved') {
  49. $api->walletClient()->confirmTransaction($transaction->getKey());
  50. }
  52. unset($_SESSION['transactionKey']);
  53. }
  54. } catch (Exception $e) {
  55. echo '<pre>', $e, '</pre>';
  56. }
Warning Creating an allowance does not guarantee that payment will be successfuly made without user intervention. For example, there may be insufficient account balance in that wallet.
Important Only one allowance can be active for a wallet at a time. If client creates new one and it gets confirmed, the active one will get canceled.
Create an allowance using the specifications

Allowance is a permission to make payments without asking the user permission for each payment. It allows to make small payments from wallet very quickly and smoothly, after s/he has confirmed client-initiated allowance or created one by himself/herself.

This method creates allowance in Paysera system. After creating allowance, user should be redirected to confirmation page or allowance should be confirmed in other ways. More info about allowance: Allowance Resource.

Info Creating a new allowance does not affect the active one - it is canceled only when (if) the new one is confirmed
Warning Allowances with status new are deleted automatically 1 month after creation time.
Example request for allowance without limits
  1. POST /rest/v1/allowance HTTP/1.1
  2. Host:
  3. Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  4. User-Agent: Paysera WalletApi PHP library
  5. Authorization: MAC id="wkVd93h2uS", ts="1343811600", nonce="nQnNaSNyubfPErjRO55yaaEYo9YZfKHN", mac="qHnDddnmudMi6FwQeWeINW2zEGNJR6xFrbpWOdgggSI=", ext="body_hash=Y2nyrCCNhAqRbJu0UK8b57S%2BDim5jcyCsRQoz9My4j0%3D"
  1. {
  2. "description": "Allowance for weekly services (5 weeks)",
  3. "currency": "EUR",
  4. "max_price": 1500,
  5. "valid": {
  6. "for": 3110400
  7. }
  8. }
Info This allows us to charge wallet maximum sum of 15.00 Euros in 36 days. For example, this can be used for charging 3 Euros each week for 5 weeks.
Warning Allowance is invalid if payments for 15.00 Euros are confirmed or 36 days passes. You cannot confirm more than 15.00 Euros using this allowance neither at once in single payment, nor at different payments using smaller amounts.
Example response
  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  1. {
  2. "id": 2987,
  3. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  4. "created_at": 1355314332,
  5. "status": "new",
  6. "description": "Allowance for weekly services (5 weeks)",
  7. "currency": "EUR",
  8. "max_price": 1500,
  9. "max_price_decimal": "15.00"
  10. }
Warning Creating an allowance does not guarantee that payment will be successfuly made without user intervention. For example, there may be insufficient account balance in that wallet.
Important Only one allowance can be active for a wallet at a time. If client creates new one and it gets confirmed, the active one will get canceled.

2. Perform background payment to the transition account with previously created allowance

Background payment with a library
Create a file that will make background payment.

Create file pay-with-allowance.php in the paysera-wallet folder. the process is similar to Create a payment, just difference is that client (developed system) doesn't need to wait for user confirmation as created allowance will be added to transaction. The sample code which makes background payment with allowance:

  1. <?php
  3. if (!class_exists('Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader')) {
  4. require_once 'lib-wallet-php-client-master/src/Paysera/WalletApi/Autoloader.php';
  5. }
  7. Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader::register();
  9. // $clientId - mac
  10. $clientId = 'wkVd93h2uS';
  11. // $secret - mac_key
  12. $secret = 'IrdTc8uQodU7PRpLzzLTW6wqZAO6tAMU';
  14. $api = new Paysera_WalletApi($clientId, $secret, Paysera_WalletApi_Util_Router::createForSandbox());
  16. try {
  17. $price = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  18. ->setAmountInCents(100)
  19. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  20. ;
  22. $item = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Item::create()
  23. ->setTitle('Item')
  24. ->setDescription('Item in sale')
  25. ->setImageUri('')
  26. ->setPrice($price)
  27. ->setQuantity(2)
  28. ;
  30. $fullPrice = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  31. ->setAmountInCents(200)
  32. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  33. ;
  35. $payment = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Payment::create()
  36. ->addItem($item)
  37. ->setPrice($fullPrice)
  38. ->setDescription('In Sale')
  39. ;
  41. // if commission is needed
  42. $commissionPrice = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  43. ->setAmountInCents(100)
  44. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  45. ;
  46. $commission = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Commission::create()
  47. ->setOutCommission($commissionPrice)
  48. ;
  49. $payment = $payment
  50. ->setCommission($commission)
  51. ;
  53. $allowanceTransaction = $api->walletClient()->getTransaction('[ALLOWANCE_TRANSACTION_KEY]');
  55. $transaction = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Transaction::create()
  56. ->addPayment($payment)
  57. ->setAllowance($allowanceTransaction->getAllowance())
  58. ;
  60. $transactionCreated = $api->walletClient()->createTransaction($transaction);
  62. $api->walletClient()->acceptTransactionUsingAllowance(
  63. $transactionCreated->getKey(),
  64. $allowanceTransaction->getWallet()
  65. );
  67. // ToDo: some actions with transaction
  69. $api->walletClient()->confirmTransaction($transactionCreated->getKey());
  70. } catch (Exception $e) {
  71. echo '<pre>', $e, '<pre>';
  72. }
Background payment with the specification
1. Create transaction.

Transaction groups one or more objects into one confirmable group. To confirm any created object, there must be a transaction.

Info Default transaction is created together with payment and allowance to be confirmed without creating it manually.

Moreover, transactions take part in all-or-nothing scenarios: either all of grouped payments are done successfully, or all fail. For example, if wallet has sufficient account balance only for one of grouped payments, user will be unable to confirm this transaction.
Transactions are also good when making shop carts with payments to different beneficiaries - user will have to confirm something just once.

Warning Transactions group payments only when confirming. If payment is canceled, other payments in the same transaction remain unchanged.

This method creates transaction that groups payment(s) and/or allowance into item that can be confirmed. More info about transaction creation: Transaction resource.

Example request for creating payment and assigning optional allowance
  1. POST /rest/v1/transaction HTTP/1.1
  2. Host:
  3. Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  4. User-Agent: Paysera WalletApi PHP library
  5. Authorization: MAC id="wkVd93h2uS", ts="1343811600", nonce="nQnNaSNyubfPErjRO55yaaEYo9YZfKHN", mac="R5Kw+qeaej/TRdVEkxbKzJHeHfA7HbsEcI4StcJo3lU=", ext="body_hash=gK8kVbYW1XEeZUf4BR1yZ45YLu%2BEYnq1WOGYtRhxyQA%3D"
  1. {
  2. "payments": [
  3. {
  4. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  5. "price": 1299,
  6. "currency": "EUR",
  7. "parameters": {
  8. "orderid": 1234
  9. }
  10. }
  11. ],
  12. "allowance": {
  13. "id": 784,
  14. "optional": true
  15. },
  16. "redirect_uri": ""
  17. }
Example response
  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  1. {
  2. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  3. "created_at": 1355314332,
  4. "status": "new",
  5. "project_id": 2248,
  6. "valid_for_payment_card_debit": false,
  7. "payments": [
  8. {
  9. "id": 2988,
  10. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  11. "created_at": 1355314332,
  12. "status": "new",
  13. "price": 1299,
  14. "currency": "EUR",
  15. "price_decimal": "12.99",
  16. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  17. "parameters": {
  18. "orderid": 1234
  19. }
  20. }
  21. ],
  22. "allowance": {
  23. "optional": true,
  24. "data": {
  25. "id": 784,
  26. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  27. "created_at": 1355314332,
  28. "status": "new",
  29. "description": "Allowance for weekly services (5 weeks)",
  30. "currency": "EUR",
  31. "max_price": 1500,
  32. "max_price_decimal": "15.00",
  33. "limits": [
  34. {
  35. "max_price": 300,
  36. "max_price_decimal": "3.00",
  37. "time": 604800
  38. }
  39. ]
  40. }
  41. },
  42. "reserve": {
  43. "until": 1355400732
  44. },
  45. "use_allowance": false,
  46. "suggest_allowance": false,
  47. "auto_confirm": false,
  48. "redirect_uri": ""
  49. }
2. Authorise transaction.

After creating transaction, it has to be authorised by a user and confirmed by the client (developed system) to take effect. Authorising (reserving funds) can be accomplished using active allowance, without user intervention. This allowance must be accepted beforehand in some other way and confirmed by the client (developed system).

More info about authorising transaction: Authorising transactions (reserving funds).

Transaction cannot have an included allowance. Allowance must be accepted beforehand in some other way and confirmed by the client (developed system). More info about allowance: Allowance resource.

Example request
  1. PUT /rest/v1/transaction/pDAlAZ3z/reserve/14471 HTTP/1.1
  2. Host:
  3. User-Agent: Paysera WalletApi PHP library
  4. Authorization: MAC id="wkVd93h2uS", ts="1343811600", nonce="nQnNaSNyubfPErjRO55yaaEYo9YZfKHN", mac="hKC//dWjcCRuPwlXVlDyo6tdzlRbRy/CCNLRfbvzvDw="
Info In this example we are reserving price of transaction which transaction_key is pDAlAZ3z in the wallet which ID is 14471.
Example response
  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  1. {
  2. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  3. "created_at": 1355314332,
  4. "status": "reserved",
  5. "type": "automatic",
  6. "wallet": 14471,
  7. "valid_for_payment_card_debit": false,
  8. "project_id": 2248,
  9. "payments": [
  10. {
  11. "id": 2988,
  12. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  13. "created_at": 1355314332,
  14. "status": "reserved",
  15. "price": 1299,
  16. "currency": "EUR",
  17. "price_decimal": "12.99",
  18. "wallet": 14471,
  19. "freeze": {
  20. "until": 1357992732
  21. },
  22. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  23. "parameters": {
  24. "orderid": 1234
  25. },
  26. "transfer_id": 578842
  27. }
  28. ],
  29. "reserve": {
  30. "until": 1357992732
  31. },
  32. "use_allowance": false,
  33. "suggest_allowance": false,
  34. "auto_confirm": false
  35. }
3. Confirm transaction.

When transaction status is reserved, you can confirm or revoke the transaction.


Confirmed transaction is returned on success. See get transaction information response data structure for more information.

Example request
  1. PUT /rest/v1/transaction/pDAlAZ3z/confirm HTTP/1.1
  2. Host:
  3. User-Agent: Paysera WalletApi PHP library
  4. Authorization: MAC id="wkVd93h2uS", ts="1343811600", nonce="nQnNaSNyubfPErjRO55yaaEYo9YZfKHN", mac="ZQYIS0L4Uq40te+qxNXJzWHNO6Ff7qhnEDuwduFlqRI="
Example response
  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  1. {
  2. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  3. "created_at": 1355314332,
  4. "status": "confirmed",
  5. "type": "page",
  6. "wallet": 14471,
  7. "valid_for_payment_card_debit": false,
  8. "confirmed_at": 1355314392,
  9. "project_id": 2248,
  10. "payments": [
  11. {
  12. "id": 2988,
  13. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  14. "created_at": 1355314332,
  15. "status": "confirmed",
  16. "price": 1299,
  17. "currency": "EUR",
  18. "price_decimal": "12.99",
  19. "wallet": 14471,
  20. "confirmed_at": 1355314392,
  21. "freeze": {
  22. "until": 1357992732
  23. },
  24. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  25. "parameters": {
  26. "orderid": 1234
  27. }
  28. }
  29. ],
  30. "allowance": {
  31. "optional": true,
  32. "data": {
  33. "id": 784,
  34. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  35. "created_at": 1355314332,
  36. "status": "active",
  37. "currency": "EUR",
  38. "wallet": 14471,
  39. "confirmed_at": 1355314392,
  40. "valid": {
  41. "until": 1357992732
  42. },
  43. "description": "Allowance for weekly services (5 weeks)",
  44. "max_price": 1500,
  45. "max_price_decimal": "15.00",
  46. "limits": [
  47. {
  48. "max_price": 300,
  49. "max_price_decimal": "3.00",
  50. "time": 604800
  51. }
  52. ]
  53. }
  54. }
  55. }

3. Perform background payment from the transition account

Transfer from transition account is the same as the transfer from regular account. The difference is that transition account is owned by Paysera and you cannot store money in it.

Info You cannot create allowance for transition account yourself, therefore one will be provided by Paysera.
Background payment with a library
Create a file that will make background payment.

Create file pay-with-allowance.php in the paysera-wallet folder. the process is similar to Create a payment, just difference is that client (developed system) doesn't need to wait for user confirmation as created allowance will be added to transaction. The sample code which makes background payment with allowance:

  1. <?php
  3. if (!class_exists('Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader')) {
  4. require_once 'lib-wallet-php-client-master/src/Paysera/WalletApi/Autoloader.php';
  5. }
  7. Paysera_WalletApi_Autoloader::register();
  9. // $clientId - mac
  10. $clientId = 'wkVd93h2uS';
  11. // $secret - mac_key
  12. $secret = 'IrdTc8uQodU7PRpLzzLTW6wqZAO6tAMU';
  14. $api = new Paysera_WalletApi($clientId, $secret, Paysera_WalletApi_Util_Router::createForSandbox());
  16. try {
  17. $price = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  18. ->setAmountInCents(100)
  19. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  20. ;
  22. $item = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Item::create()
  23. ->setTitle('Item')
  24. ->setDescription('Item in sale')
  25. ->setImageUri('')
  26. ->setPrice($price)
  27. ->setQuantity(2)
  28. ;
  30. $fullPrice = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  31. ->setAmountInCents(200)
  32. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  33. ;
  35. $payment = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Payment::create()
  36. ->addItem($item)
  37. ->setPrice($fullPrice)
  38. ->setDescription('In Sale')
  39. ;
  41. // if commission is needed
  42. $commissionPrice = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Money::create()
  43. ->setAmountInCents(100)
  44. ->setCurrency('EUR')
  45. ;
  46. $commission = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Commission::create()
  47. ->setOutCommission($commissionPrice)
  48. ;
  49. $payment = $payment
  50. ->setCommission($commission)
  51. ;
  53. $allowanceTransaction = $api->walletClient()->getTransaction('[ALLOWANCE_TRANSACTION_KEY]');
  55. $transaction = Paysera_WalletApi_Entity_Transaction::create()
  56. ->addPayment($payment)
  57. ->setAllowance($allowanceTransaction->getAllowance())
  58. ;
  60. $transactionCreated = $api->walletClient()->createTransaction($transaction);
  62. $api->walletClient()->acceptTransactionUsingAllowance(
  63. $transactionCreated->getKey(),
  64. $allowanceTransaction->getWallet()
  65. );
  67. // ToDo: some actions with transaction
  69. $api->walletClient()->confirmTransaction($transactionCreated->getKey());
  70. } catch (Exception $e) {
  71. echo '<pre>', $e, '<pre>';
  72. }
Background payment with the specification
1. Create transaction.

Transaction groups one or more objects into one confirmable group. To confirm any created object, there must be a transaction.

Info Default transaction is created together with payment and allowance to be confirmed without creating it manually.

Moreover, transactions take part in all-or-nothing scenarios: either all of grouped payments are done successfully, or all fail. For example, if wallet has sufficient account balance only for one of grouped payments, user will be unable to confirm this transaction.
Transactions are also good when making shop carts with payments to different beneficiaries - user will have to confirm something just once.

Warning Transactions group payments only when confirming. If payment is canceled, other payments in the same transaction remain unchanged.

This method creates transaction that groups payment(s) and/or allowance into item that can be confirmed. More info about transaction creation: Transaction resource.

Example request for creating payment and assigning optional allowance
  1. POST /rest/v1/transaction HTTP/1.1
  2. Host:
  3. Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  4. User-Agent: Paysera WalletApi PHP library
  5. Authorization: MAC id="wkVd93h2uS", ts="1343811600", nonce="nQnNaSNyubfPErjRO55yaaEYo9YZfKHN", mac="R5Kw+qeaej/TRdVEkxbKzJHeHfA7HbsEcI4StcJo3lU=", ext="body_hash=gK8kVbYW1XEeZUf4BR1yZ45YLu%2BEYnq1WOGYtRhxyQA%3D"
  1. {
  2. "payments": [
  3. {
  4. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  5. "price": 1299,
  6. "currency": "EUR",
  7. "parameters": {
  8. "orderid": 1234
  9. }
  10. }
  11. ],
  12. "allowance": {
  13. "id": 784,
  14. "optional": true
  15. },
  16. "redirect_uri": ""
  17. }
Example response
  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  1. {
  2. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  3. "created_at": 1355314332,
  4. "status": "new",
  5. "project_id": 2248,
  6. "valid_for_payment_card_debit": false,
  7. "payments": [
  8. {
  9. "id": 2988,
  10. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  11. "created_at": 1355314332,
  12. "status": "new",
  13. "price": 1299,
  14. "currency": "EUR",
  15. "price_decimal": "12.99",
  16. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  17. "parameters": {
  18. "orderid": 1234
  19. }
  20. }
  21. ],
  22. "allowance": {
  23. "optional": true,
  24. "data": {
  25. "id": 784,
  26. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  27. "created_at": 1355314332,
  28. "status": "new",
  29. "description": "Allowance for weekly services (5 weeks)",
  30. "currency": "EUR",
  31. "max_price": 1500,
  32. "max_price_decimal": "15.00",
  33. "limits": [
  34. {
  35. "max_price": 300,
  36. "max_price_decimal": "3.00",
  37. "time": 604800
  38. }
  39. ]
  40. }
  41. },
  42. "reserve": {
  43. "until": 1355400732
  44. },
  45. "use_allowance": false,
  46. "suggest_allowance": false,
  47. "auto_confirm": false,
  48. "redirect_uri": ""
  49. }
2. Authorise transaction.

After creating transaction, it has to be authorised by a user and confirmed by the client (developed system) to take effect. Authorising (reserving funds) can be accomplished using active allowance, without user intervention. This allowance must be accepted beforehand in some other way and confirmed by the client (developed system).

More info about authorising transaction: Authorising transactions (reserving funds).

Transaction cannot have an included allowance. Allowance must be accepted beforehand in some other way and confirmed by the client (developed system). More info about allowance: Allowance resource.

Example request
  1. PUT /rest/v1/transaction/pDAlAZ3z/reserve/14471 HTTP/1.1
  2. Host:
  3. User-Agent: Paysera WalletApi PHP library
  4. Authorization: MAC id="wkVd93h2uS", ts="1343811600", nonce="nQnNaSNyubfPErjRO55yaaEYo9YZfKHN", mac="hKC//dWjcCRuPwlXVlDyo6tdzlRbRy/CCNLRfbvzvDw="
Info In this example we are reserving price of transaction which transaction_key is pDAlAZ3z in the wallet which ID is 14471.
Example response
  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  1. {
  2. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  3. "created_at": 1355314332,
  4. "status": "reserved",
  5. "type": "automatic",
  6. "wallet": 14471,
  7. "valid_for_payment_card_debit": false,
  8. "project_id": 2248,
  9. "payments": [
  10. {
  11. "id": 2988,
  12. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  13. "created_at": 1355314332,
  14. "status": "reserved",
  15. "price": 1299,
  16. "currency": "EUR",
  17. "price_decimal": "12.99",
  18. "wallet": 14471,
  19. "freeze": {
  20. "until": 1357992732
  21. },
  22. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  23. "parameters": {
  24. "orderid": 1234
  25. },
  26. "transfer_id": 578842
  27. }
  28. ],
  29. "reserve": {
  30. "until": 1357992732
  31. },
  32. "use_allowance": false,
  33. "suggest_allowance": false,
  34. "auto_confirm": false
  35. }
3. Confirm transaction.

When transaction status is reserved, you can confirm or revoke the transaction.


Confirmed transaction is returned on success. See get transaction information response data structure for more information.

Example request
  1. PUT /rest/v1/transaction/pDAlAZ3z/confirm HTTP/1.1
  2. Host:
  3. User-Agent: Paysera WalletApi PHP library
  4. Authorization: MAC id="wkVd93h2uS", ts="1343811600", nonce="nQnNaSNyubfPErjRO55yaaEYo9YZfKHN", mac="ZQYIS0L4Uq40te+qxNXJzWHNO6Ff7qhnEDuwduFlqRI="
Example response
  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  1. {
  2. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  3. "created_at": 1355314332,
  4. "status": "confirmed",
  5. "type": "page",
  6. "wallet": 14471,
  7. "valid_for_payment_card_debit": false,
  8. "confirmed_at": 1355314392,
  9. "project_id": 2248,
  10. "payments": [
  11. {
  12. "id": 2988,
  13. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  14. "created_at": 1355314332,
  15. "status": "confirmed",
  16. "price": 1299,
  17. "currency": "EUR",
  18. "price_decimal": "12.99",
  19. "wallet": 14471,
  20. "confirmed_at": 1355314392,
  21. "freeze": {
  22. "until": 1357992732
  23. },
  24. "description": "Payment for order No. 1234",
  25. "parameters": {
  26. "orderid": 1234
  27. }
  28. }
  29. ],
  30. "allowance": {
  31. "optional": true,
  32. "data": {
  33. "id": 784,
  34. "transaction_key": "pDAlAZ3z",
  35. "created_at": 1355314332,
  36. "status": "active",
  37. "currency": "EUR",
  38. "wallet": 14471,
  39. "confirmed_at": 1355314392,
  40. "valid": {
  41. "until": 1357992732
  42. },
  43. "description": "Allowance for weekly services (5 weeks)",
  44. "max_price": 1500,
  45. "max_price_decimal": "15.00",
  46. "limits": [
  47. {
  48. "max_price": 300,
  49. "max_price_decimal": "3.00",
  50. "time": 604800
  51. }
  52. ]
  53. }
  54. }
  55. }