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How to Start?

In order to start using Open-Banking PSD2 integration with Paysera you should follow this steps:

  1. Read the documentation;
  2. Contact Paysera to be able use the service;
  3. Prepare integration following the documentation.

The Flow

In order to use PSD2 integration between Service Provider (hereafter TPP) and Paysera (hereafter ASPSP) some steps must be completed. To understand which actions must be made between Customer (hereafter PSU), TPP and ASPSP check the integration sequence diagram below. For the details on specific requests data and theirs specification see Georgia v0.8 specification or Berlin group standard v1.3 specification

Payment initiation

If payment is initiated when there is no information about the exact payer account, then this flow should be used:

Open-Banking payment initiation integration diagram

Note: Paysera utilize OAuth SCA (strong customer authentication) flow to confirm payments. In order to be able to execute payment orders TPP must have PSP_PI (Payment Initiation) role enabled in it's eIDAS certificate qcStatement section.

Account information: acquiring user consent

To collect information about PSU account it's required to obtain such permissions from the user. An integration scheme below should be used:

Open-banking collecting user account information integration diagram

Account information: retrieving account information

To collect information about PSU account it's required to obtain such permissions from the user. An integration scheme below should be used:

Open-banking collecting user account information integration diagram

Note: Paysera utilize OAuth SCA (strong customer authentication) flow to confirm payments. In order to be able to retrieve PSU's acccounts information TPP must have PSP_AI (Account Information) role enabled in it's eIDAS certificate qcStatement section.


Authentication is performed by using the QWAC certificate. Before using it, the owner of the client provides a QWAC certificate for Paysera administrators. Paysera will allow the clients to use QWAC provided and grant permissions to access specific information. You may find Paysera contacts at the bottom of the page. Obtaining of the QWAC certificate is possible from authorized national competent authority (see Appendix A.)

Appendix A: National Competent Authority (NCA) Registers *

Country National Competent Authority Link
AT Financial Market Authority (FMA) https://www.fma.gv.at/en/search-company-database/
BE National Bank of Belgium (NBB) https://www.nbb.be/fr/supervision-financiere/controle-prudentiel/domaines-de-controle/etablissements-de-paiement-et-5?l=fr
BG Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) http://www.fsc.bg/en/supervised-entities/lists/
HR Hrvatska Narodna Banka (HNB) https://www.hnb.hr/en/core-functions/supervision/list-of-credit-institutions
CY Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) https://www.centralbank.cy/en/licensing-supervision
CZ Czech National Bank (CNB) https://apl.cnb.cz/apljerrsdad/JERRS.WEB09.DIRECT_FIND?p_lang=en
DE Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) https://portal.mvp.bafin.de/database/ZahlInstInfo/
DK Finanstilsynet (FSA) https://vut.finanstilsynet.dk/en/Tal-og-fakta/Virksomheder-under-tilsyn/VUT-database.aspx
EE Finantsinspektsioon (FSA) https://www.fi.ee/index.php?id=593
ES Banco de Espana (BDE) http://app.bde.es/ren/app/GetData?CFG=ConsultaTipos.xml&TipoFormato=XSL&Paginate=OPEN&HIST=N
FI Finanssivalvonta (FIN-FSA) http://www.fin-fsa.fi/en/About_us/Supervised/Pages/supervisedentities.aspx
FR Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel (ACPR) "Regafi" https://www.regafi.fr/spip.php?page=results&type=advanced&id_secteur=1&lang=fr&denomination=&siren=&cib=&bic=&nom=&siren_agent=&num=&cat=21-TBR07&retrait=0
GB Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) https://register.fca.org.uk/
GR Bank Of Greece https://www.bankofgreece.gr/Pages/en/Supervision/SupervisedInstitutions/default.aspx
HU Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) https://www.mnb.hu/en/supervision/licensing-and-institution-oversight/market-participants/search-of-market-participants
IE Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) http://registers.centralbank.ie/DownloadsPage.aspx
IS Fjármálaeftirlitið (FME) https://en.fme.is/supervision/supervised-entities/
IT Banca d'Italia https://infostat.bancaditalia.it/giava-inquiry-public/flex/Giava/GIAVAFEInquiry.html#
LI Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA) http://register.fma-li.li/
LT Bank of Lithuania (LB) https://www.lb.lt/en/sfi-financial-market-participants?market=1
LU Commission de Surveillance du SecteurFinancier (CSSF) https://www.cssf.lu/entites-surveillees
LV Finansu un Kapital Tirgus Komisija (FKTK) http://www.fktk.lv/en/market/payment-institutions/authorized-payment-institution.html
MT Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) https://www.mfsa.com.mt/pages/licenceholders.aspx
NL De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) https://www.dnb.nl/en/supervision/public-register/index.jsp
NO Finanstilsynet (FSA) https://www.finanstilsynet.no/en/finanstilsynets-registry/
PL Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego (KNF) https://www.knf.gov.pl/en/ENTITIES/entities_search
PT Banco De Portugal https://www.bportugal.pt/en/entidades-autorizadas
RO Banca Nationala a Romaniei (BNR) http://www.bnro.ro/NBR-Public-Registers-1701.aspx
SE Finansinspektionen (FI) https://www.fi.se/sv/vara-register/foretagsregistret/
SK Narodna Banka Slovenska (NBS) https://subjekty.nbs.sk/?ll=en
SI Banka Slovenije (BSI) https://www.bsi.si/en/financial-stability/banking-system-supervision/supervisory-disclosure

* The list might be outdated or incomplete.