Informacija Atsiprašome, šis skyrius galimas tik anglų kalba.

Scopes are passed when requesting access token - they define what information can be requested from the API or what actions performed.

Offline scopes

Most of the scopes can be suffixed with _offline (for example, balance_offline instead of balance). If such scope is confirmed by the user, client can get information about the user with default authentication credentials - use of access token is not needed.

This allows to get user's ID and other identifiers with access token and then anywhere in the future request information using default credentials and these identifiers. In other words, scope gets permanently available even when not using access token.

Offline scopes are available only when using authorization code grant.

Offline scopes can be revoked by the user in Paysera system, so even if such scope is granted, client should always expect to get forbidden error when accessing user's information in the future.

Optional scopes

Some of the scopes can be suffixed with _optional, for example phone_offline_optional. In most cases you want optional scope also to be offline scope, although simple scope may also be optional. If scope is both offline and optional, _offline suffix must be followed by _optional, for example: phone_offline_optional.

Optional scopes allow to access user information without forcing her to immediately take action to confirm or reject corresponding permissions. Information can be accessed only after the user takes specific actions in Paysera system to meet conditions required by specific scope. Until then the error not_found is received. Or in case of user resource, corresponding parameters are missing.

Extended scopes

Extended scopes give permissions to make higher risk actions for the client and thus requires special authorization from the user. These scopes cannot be provided when requesting access token, but can be attached to access token when requesting token refresh, providing code parameter. code value is code from SMS message, sent to the user.

Scope list

Scope list with their description and attributes are provided below.

Get user's confirmed email address.
offline available
optional available
Get user's confirmed phone number. User must add and validate phone number to accept request with this scope.
offline available
optional available
Get user's address. User must input address if it was not yet provided to accept request with this scope.
offline available
optional available
Get user's date of birth. If user is identified, this is confirmed information, otherwise user freely inputs it in the provided form.
offline available
optional available
Get user's gender. If user is identified, this is confirmed information, otherwise user freely inputs it in the provided form.
offline available
optional available
Get user's confirmed name and surname. User must perform authentication using one of available methods to identify herself to accept request with this scope.
offline available
optional available
Get user's identification level. User must perform authentication using one of available methods to identify herself to accept request with this scope.
offline available
optional available
Get user's confirmed name, surname, nationality and identification code. User must perform authentication using one of available methods to identify herself to accept request with this scope.
offline available
optional available
Provide user's current position.
offline available
Provide, change and delete user's avatar.
offline available
Change and delete account descriptions.
offline available
Get balance of user's wallet.
offline available
Get response if a user has sufficient money in balance in a specific account.
Get account statements related to user's wallet.
offline available
Get list of user's enabled services or enable service for user.
offline available
Get most common beneficiaries for user's internal Paysera system payments.
offline available
Send transaction confirmation FLASH SMS. User must add and validate phone number to accept request with this scope.
offline available
Get list of all available wallets for user.
offline available
Access incoming pending payments for user's wallet and to provide passwords for them.
offline available
Access outgoing pending payments together with their passwords in plain text.
offline available
Access user's administered projects and their locations, make payments and other project-related actions for any of user's managed projects.
offline available
Access initiated transaction requests and send new transaction requests in the name of current user.
offline available
Access received transaction requests for current user.
offline available
Manage user's cards (create, edit, delete cards, link cards with accounts, also create and process deposit).
offline available
Get information about user identification such as personal code, provided documents.
offline available
Get basic user information, such as selected locale.
offline available
Initiate transfers in user's behalf.
Make currency conversions in user's behalf.
extended scope
Get the user's list of political exposure persons. This information is only available if the user provided such data.
optional available