Informacija Atsiprašome, šis skyrius galimas tik anglų kalba.

General Information

TPP Identification Policy

QWAC verification

A valid QWAC Certificate for XS2A is required to access the Production API. The following conditions are verified:

  • The certificate should be issued by a trusted Open Banking certificate issuer
  • The certificate should not be suspended or revoked
  • The certificate should be validated via OCSP
  • All valid certificate testing mechanisms, including OCSP, must comply with international standards and best practices

If one of the conditions is not fulfilled, the connection is closed and the TPP received an HTTP 403 response (Access forbidden).

Market test requirements

To participate in the market test, the TPP needs to fulfill several requirements:

  • Valid certificate certification authority
  • One or several Paysera accounts with the required funds

How to start?

Contact Paysera with a description of how are you going to use specific API, which API will be used and will it be used with Production. You might be asked to provide additional information.

General settings

SCA Approach Supported

Redirect OAuth 2.0 workflow

Decoupled workflow

Embedded workflow

Account Information Service



Support of multiple consents

Support of Signing Baskets

Support of Card Accounts Endpoints


Support display of Account ownerName and ownerNames

Support display of Account psuName

Owner name always delivered without taking into account the consent scope

Support of Trusted Beneficiaries endpoint

Support of Multilevel SCA Approach

Maximum Frequency Per Day Value Supported on Consent Request


SCA Validity for a current consent

90 days

SCA Validity for a one-off consent

1 hour

Consent establishment Timeout

1 day

Support of parameter withBalance on APIs

Supported Account Reference Identifiers

Consent scope Dedicated consent (List of accounts)
Dedicated consent - Support of ownerName in additionalInformation property
Dedicated consent - Support of trustedBeneficiaries in additionalInformation property
Bank-offered consent
Global consent - availableAccounts = allAccounts
Global consent - availableAccountsWithBalance = allAccounts
Global consent - allPsd2 = allAccounts
Global consent - availableAccounts = allAccountsWithOwnerName
Global consent - availableAccountsWithBalance = allAccountsWithOwnerName
Global consent - allPsd2 = allAccountsWithOwnerName

Supported Access for MultiCurrency Accounts

Multicurrency level Aggregation level
Sub-account level
Aggregation & sub-account level
Balance Type closingBooked
Supported Transactions Query Parameters bookingStatus = booked
bookingStatus = pending
bookingStatus = both
bookingStatus = all to request all types of transactions (pending, booked and information) at once
Support of Standing orders endpoint (bookingStatus=information)
Supported optional transaction information (Standing Orders) debtorName
* only Card Account Transactions List is supported

Payment Initiation Service



Support of Signing Baskets

Payment initiation timeout

15 minutes

Support of PIS without IBAN - Retrieval of debtor accounts with AIS flow

Selection of debtor account on CBS pages when payment submission without IBAN

Funds Availability on Payment Status Information (implicit FCS over PIS)

Support of TPP-Rejection-NoFunds-Preferred Header

Support payment status notification (instant payment only)

Mandatory Authorisation on Payment Cancellation

Supported Access for MultiCurrency Accounts

Support display of ownerNames in payment status request

Support display of psuName in payment status request and SCA status request